How Important are Online Reviews

How important are online reviews?

This question has been asked over and over again, I say, extremely. This is the reason we have numerous crowd-sourced online review sites like Google, Yelp, BBB, TripAdvisor, Angel’s List and several others. They play a vital role in influencing a prospective buyer’s decision, and the overall success of your business. Do you know at least 90% consumers read online reviews before making a purchase? According to Speigel Research Center, products with customer reviews are 250% more likely to be bought than those without.
Online reviews are strongly influencing your Google search results. 85% consumers trust online reviews as much as they do personal recommendation. Search engines like Bing and Google will often favor sites with an online reputation, so it is common place to find a business Facebook, Google or Yelp review page rank higher than a company’s website in search results. The more reviews your business has, the higher the likely hood for your business to show up on the first page.

How do people base their buying decisions on online reviews?

Everyday, more consumers are making their buying decisions based on a business online reputation. More than ever, a consumer wants to ensure they can trust a business to provide a positive experience before making that purchase. Because these reviews are written by total strangers, consumers who intend to patronize you business would often be influenced by these online reviews while making their buying decisions. As a business owner, if you are yet to take advantage of the review system, you could be doing more harm than good to your business. When a customer makes a purchase, encourage them to leave a feedback. While asking for a review can be intimidating sometimes, the bigger picture is that the review and recommendation from have a huge impact on your business.

How can a business improve their online image?

A happy customer is your business most authentic advocate, and the internet has given every customer a powerful voice. Consumers trust each other and their voice can strengthen your business credibility, drive purchase decisions and increase brand recognition through online reviews. How can a business achieve this? By simply asking. Ask in person, ask at the end of a sale, send a mail or text encouraging them to leave a feedback. Happy and satisfied customers are your best marketers and advertisers. They do it for free. Endeavour to ask your customers to leave a review on your business.

More so, a study conducted by Harvard Business School clearly shows how online reviews impacts your bottom line. Marketing your brand is important, but having people acknowledge your brand’s message and talk about your brand and business positively is an excellent way to enhance your message. Encouraging feedbacks – positive or negative helps your business, and in areas customers have expressed their displeasure, you can better improve.

Online reviews are here to stay and the earlier you take advantage of them, the better for your business and brand. Their significance cannot be over emphasized as they are important to customers and prospects, they also have a place in securing your online visibility in SEO. Take advantage of the online review system and maximize your business potential.


If you would like to hide and remove bad reviews online, contact us now for a free quote. We can repair your business reputation and build your brand image.

Hide Bad Reviews in Google

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Hide Bad Business Reviews

remove_bad-reviews_onlineIf your business has bad reviews, customer complaints and negative feedback online you are missing out.

A negative review is one of the worst things that can happen to your business.

It puts off potential customers and damages your credibility.

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hide-negative-business-reviews-bad-business-reputation-repairYou can call us for a chat any time. We have offices in USA, UK and Australia

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Protect Your Brand On The Internet

Your brand is essential to your success.

A great brand builds your business and takes you further than

Building the right brand on the Internet is no simple task. As business owners and entrepreneurs know, you spend all the time working on your business and brand image is something of an after thought. But it’s a very important after thought. And that now has to become your primary thought.


hide-negative-business-reviews-bad-business-reputation-repair The Wrong Image Will Destroy You

The Right Image Takes You To The Next Level

Your Internet Reputation is Everything.


Get a free quote now