Hiding Bad Reviews on TripAdvisor

Business Review websites are extremely influential, as people read reviews before making a purchasing decision.

Only companies with good reviews flourish in the online world, and even if your company is successful and has a lot of happy customers, a bad review can cost you a lot of money in lost business and a damaged reputation.

Can I remove a bad review on TripAdvisor?

In most cases a bad review will not be deleted by TripAdvisor itself, and it can not be removed just because the review is not complimentary.

Hiding Bad TripAdvisor Reviewshide+bad+review+tripadvisor

Hiding a bad review is the most secure and efficient ways of dealing with online customer complaints and negative reviews from TripAdvisor.

We have seen many cases where people have attempted to manipulate their review systems in order to remove a bad review. This can be extremely dangerous and damaging to your online reputation. 

It can then quickly be flagged that you are doing something dodgy, so don’t think about it.

In order to repair the damage the bad reviews have to be hidden from view and replaced in search results by positive assets that you control.

If you need help repairing your image and hiding negative reviews online contact us today!

